A. Students must attend regular classes. They will have to secure the required attendance to be allowed to sit for the examination as stipulated by the affiliating university.
B. They must not cause unnecessary noise in the class.
C. Students must behave and dress decently.
D. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited. Violating the rules will cause disciplinary action. Students can contact the Convenor of the Anti- Ragging if anyone faces ragging.
E. Impersonation during roll call is a punishable offence.
F. The use of mobile phones in class is not allowed unless permitted by teachers for academic purposes.
G. Students must check the Notice Board regularly. They must be in the different WhatsApp groups of the college. No excuses will be considered if they ignore notices.
H. Students must carry Identity cards regularly.
I. Students must not loiter in the corridors.
J. Smoking, chewing and spitting tobacco is strictly prohibited.
K. Students must maintain silence in the library and classes.
L. Students must not tamper with library books.
M. Students must keep the campus clean.
N. The campus must be kept plastic and tobacco-free.

Notice Board